The Advantages of LASIK

For some, LASIK surgery is nothing short of a miracle. If you have been wearing corrective lens your whole life, you probably understand the sentiment. Clinics that perform this distinctive procedure, such as Oakland Eye Clinic, use the latest in laser technology to reshape the cornea. Oakland residents looking to get LASIK in Michigan can call for the appointment that could rid them of glasses forever. There are obvious advantages to getting LASIK.

Corrects Multiple Problems
Getting LASIK surgery will improve a number of vision problems. The eyes are complex structures; sometimes more than one thing goes wrong. An ophthalmologist evaluates the condition of your eyes looking for problems such as myopia or astigmatism. Chances are anything affecting how you see is fixable with LASIK.

The Improvement will Astound You
LASIK doesn’t just improve your eyesight a little. The difference is dramatic. Over 90 percent of all patients who have this procedure end up with close to 20/20 vision, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. The goal is to set you free from corrective lens. That would have to be a considerable improvement.

You Won’t Miss Weeks of Work
The recovery period for LASIK surgery is short barring any complications such as infection. It takes time for vision to stabilize. For most, they have full vision three to six months after the surgery. In the meantime, they can see well enough to drive a car. Most have clear vision by the time they go to the office one or two days after surgery.

Immediate Effect
Once you have the procedure, it means the end of glasses or contacts. There is no need to continue wearing them while you heal. The effect of the surgery is immediate. Most patients receiving LASIK in Michigan stop wearing glasses for most of their activities right away.

Improvement to Peripheral Vision
One common complaint with glasses is the effect on peripheral vision. LASIK attacks the problem at the source. The doctor uses a laser to remodel the cornea to correct defects causing poor vision. This means you will see better than you do with glasses, even at the edges.

The procedure is not painful or time-consuming. If you think about it, the surgery pays for itself, because you are not buying new glasses or disposable contact lens. LASIK makes sense if you have always dreamed of being free from glasses.