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Macular Degeneration and Eye Vision

June 14th, 2012

In LASIK and corrective lenses have been the most popular methods for improving vision. In terms of prevention, people were encouraged to limit the amount of time spent working on PCs, avoid eye strain, and maintain a healthy diet to protect their vision. These recommendations have always been encouraged in the medical community as a way to prevent vision loss. Vitamins E and C aren’t as effective as preventing vision loss associated with macular degeneration as previously believed, research says.

Certain supplements were believed to prevent and delay the progression of macular degeneration in aging males. It was previously thought that vitamins E and C successfully protected against vision loss brought on by macular degeneration. The newest vision loss research focused exclusively on the health benefits of the vitamins in older men and is the first study of its kind. The study followed 14,000 males over the age of 50 for eight years and found that the supplements taken daily were unsuccessful in preventing vision loss.

The males were prescribed 400 IUs of vitamin E or 500 IUs of vitamin C to be taken on a daily basis. Some patients were given placebos. Some individuals ended up taking one or both supplements while others may have ended up with a dosage consisting of placebos. In the study, 193 males developed macular degeneration. The results for those administered the placebo regimen were identical to those who were on either or both of the vitamins.

It was widely thought that the vitamins were essential in preventing vision loss among those at risk of developing macular degeneration. Researchers point out that the population tested was generally well-nourished, adding that results may have been different in a population with a diet poor in quality.

The two types of macular degeneration are “wet” and “dry,” the former of the two has been successfully treated in its earliest stages. The condition is usually detected through routine eye exams. Depending on the type of macular degeneration, the person may be a good candidate still for either LASIK surgery or cataract surgery. Lasik treatment has been credited with being able to partially restore the vision in those suffering from macular degeneration.

The Advantages of a Quality LASIK Clinic

April 6th, 2012

People suffer from various eye problems during old age, and there are many people who get accustomed to eye problems very early in their lives also. In such circumstances, LASIK plays a very important role for the people who need correction for their eye related problems. LASIK is a great option that is available for the purpose of getting their eye problems sorted out in the most effective manner. Many people are enjoying renewed vision thanks to the services of LASIK.

Qualities of a Good LASIK Clinic

There are many clinics that are capable of giving basic LASIK treatment in Sterling Heights to help a person see the world in the way he used to. But a good LASIK clinic will provide reliable services to its patients at a very affordable cost. These are the clinics that attract new customers regularly due to the reliability of the surgery and the affordability of the operation itself.

The Genuine Services of LASIK

There is no denying the fact that a good LASIK clinic has much to give to its patients in the form of the genuine treatment that it does and the extra care that it takes in the treatment of every patient that utilizes its services. It is really noteworthy that people having any kind of vision problems are looking into LASIK because they are quite aware of the fact that they would be getting effective and safe treatment.

The Characteristic Features of the LASIK

There are many salient features of a good LASIK clinic that bring people in for consultations and surgeries. The great facilities offered by a good clinic, along with the proper care that is taken by the staff should be very genuine. It is this attitude and behavior of the clinic staff that draws hundreds of people towards a clinic to get treated and to have their vision problems solved thoroughly.

The Risks Involved in Visiting a LASIK Clinic

April 6th, 2012

The LASIK eye surgery is a popular operation that is performed on most of the eye patients nowadays, and it is one operation that has the capability of correcting several problems of the eye at one time. A good LASIK eye clinic in Detroit, MI can correct the eye so that the patient does not need to wear contact lenses after the operation. The best benefits of a good LASIK eye clinic is that they treat their patients in such a way that they always feel at ease, even if they have major vision problems. But like any operation, the treatment done at a LASIK eye clinic also has some risks and some side effects.

Understanding the Benefits of LASIK Eye Clinic

During a visit with a lasik surgeon in Sterling Heights, surgery needs to be handled with care. At the same time, there are a lot of risks involved in the treatment at a LASIK eye clinic. But it should also be noted that having an operation done at the right LASIK eye clinic means the risk of side effects is fairly minimal.

The Reversible Problems from a LASIK Eye Clinic

There are certain problems that are associated with a LASIK eye clinic that can be reduced with additional surgical operations. The right LASIK eye clinic will provide great solutions to these risks. Undercorrection and overcorrection can be a problem, but these can be corrected. Many of these will not be known until the eye begins to heal, which is when an additional procedure would then be scheduled.

The Permanent Risks from a LASIK Eye Clinic

However, there are certain problems and risks from eye surgery that are also possible. These can include poor night vision and halos. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done to reverse these problems, should they occur. However, a good clinic will know how to reduce the risk of these problems so that they will likely not be a factor in your eyesight.

Common Questions at a LASIK Eye Clinic

February 29th, 2012

As visits to the LASIK eye clinic become more and more commonplace, there have been questions that many people ask on a regular basis. Because LASIK is such a serious procedure, and you are placing your eyeballs in the hands of someone else, there are common concerns that need to be addressed beforehand. If you are considering a visit to a LASIK clinic in the Troy area, and you are still a little unsure of it, here are the answers to a few of your questions:

Do I Have to Stop Wearing my Contact Lenses Before my Visit to a LASIK Eye Clinic?

Yes you do. Before the exam and treatment at your LASIK eye clinic, the FDA requires that you remove soft lenses for 2 weeks and hard lenses for 3 weeks. Depending on the condition of your cornea, this timeframe could be even longer. Wearing contact lenses for long periods of time changes the shape of your eye, and taking them out for the minimum time frames allows your eyes to relax and resume their normal shape. It is this shape that the doctors want to see in the LASIK eye clinic, as it will present an accurate picture of whether or not you will be a good candidate for the procedure.

Can I Be Disqualified from Having LASIK?

Yes you can. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, then you probably should not visit a LASIK eye clinic. Other problems can include collagen vascular diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, among others. Autoimmune disease and immunodeficiency diseases will also disqualify you from LASIK, as well as the active use of the drugs Accutane or Cordarone. During the exam at the LASIK eye clinic, you might also discover that you are disqualified based on the physical state of your eyes, such as thin corneas, certain corneal scars, previous eye trauma or disease, too high of a prescription, or other problems. Some dry eye issues can also be problematic for LASIK.

If you are concerned about whether or not you are a good candidate for LASIK, visit a LASIK eye clinic. Have your questions answered personally by a professional, and then you can evaluate for yourself whether or not to have the procedure done on you.

New Reasons to Get Laser Eye Correction

February 29th, 2012

By now, you know that many people have been getting laser eye correction. For good reason, too: laser eye correction offers great benefits to the patient, including the ability to function through daily life without the need for prescription glasses or contact lenses. This freedom has been enough of a reason for many to have the procedure done, but still others are avoiding it for fear of complications. But many of these complications have been reduced or eliminated, giving you new reasons to have laser eye correction.

The Results Are Getting Even Better

Those who are having laser eye correction in the Sterling Heights area are enjoying even better results than patients that were having it done a few years ago. As the techniques and equipment have become more advanced, those who are having laser eye correction are having the procedure more customized to their eyes and their needs. Nearly all of them have seen such improved vision that they can pass a driving test. In addition, an extremely high percentage of patients are seeing 20/20 vision or better. People who have struggled to see clearly for years are now seeing better than they ever have before. In addition to this, techniques are now addressing one of the major complaints of laser eye correction: poor night vision. The instances of patients complaining of poor night vision and the problem of glare and halos are now reaching all-time lows, which should alleviate the fear of it occurring to you.

It is Becoming Safer

Another point of discomfort among many who have not had laser eye correction is the idea of a blade cutting into their eyeball. Past LASIK procedures have used a blade that cuts the flap, but new methods have now become common practice that are completely bladeless. In these operations, a laser cuts the flap. This is now more accurate and safer than ever before.

It is Easier to Have Laser Eye Correction

Above all else, the financing of laser eye correction has become easier to obtain. Some insurance plans are covering the procedures, while flexible spending accounts can also be used. Financing plans are also available in clinics, giving you the opportunity to have the procedure done and maintain your budget.

What to Look For in LASIK Doctors

January 27th, 2012

If you are considering having LASIK laser eye surgery performed on your eyes, congratulations! You are going to thoroughly enjoy the freedom that comes with having this procedure done. You will no longer need glasses or contact lenses, and you will finally have that great vision you have been waiting for. But before you go ahead, you should know what to look for in LASIK doctors in Troy, so that you are sure you have the right doctors for the job.

First, be wary of heavily-discounted pricing. When an office promises LASIK for $200 per eye, you should avoid them. There will be plenty of hidden fees. In addition, this is a procedure that is very sensitive, and it is important that you do not try to find it cheaply. Also, look for a doctor that guarantees his or her work for at least one year. This is the period of time when an alteration is most likely to happen, and you should not have to pay for that operation twice. Instead, good Rochester Hills eye doctor will cover those expenses for you, if needed. Finally, go with your gut feeling. If you meet with a doctor for a consultation and you do not feel comfortable, do not force yourself to go with them. Find a doctor that you are comfortable with, and one that you can trust.

If you follow these guidelines, you can avoid some of the headaches that some people go through when searching for a LASIK doctor.

How Does Laser Eye Correction Work?

January 27th, 2012

You likely have heard of laser eye correction by now. Many people are having procedures like LASIK done all the time, and they are enjoying the freedom of clear eyesight without the need for glasses or contact lenses. But how does it work? When you sign up for the operation, what exactly is going to happen to you?

Provided you pass a thorough eye exam to determine your eye health, your operation will last only for a few minutes. A laser will cut a flap from your eye to access the cornea, where it is reshaped to correct your vision. Once this is done, the flap is replaced to its original position. Your doctor will give you prescription eye drops and strict guidelines for you to follow. It is very important that you follow these guidelines – they can include not rubbing your eyes and special eye guards to wear while you sleep for a few weeks. All of these rules are to protect your eyes while they are healing. If you properly protect your eyes, then you can avoid doing further damage to them, as well as altering your vision. Laser eye correction in Troy and Michigan is a permanent procedure, and it is crucial that your eyes heal properly.

If you follow these guidelines, you will be able to finally enjoy the great vision that you have always wanted, and your eyes will be healthy. You will avoid irritation and will reap all the benefits that this operation has to offer.

Why Consider Laser Vision Correction?

January 24th, 2012

If you struggle with poor vision, then you are familiar with the problems associated with different forms of vision correction. While all of these options pose a great deal of inconvenience, laser vision correction can take care of all of them, leaving you with great vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

For example, with glasses, you deal with smudges and damage to the glasses themselves, which can often come at inconvenient times. In addition, glasses can get in the way when performing more physical activities, like sports. With laser vision correction in Michigan, you do not need to worry about taking care of your glasses. Instead, you can simply take part in all your favorite activities with perfect vision. The same is true of contact lenses. With contacts, you need to replace them at certain intervals, keep them clean, and always have spare lenses available in case you lose one. When you have your vision corrected with a laser, you eliminate the need to maintain your contact lenses, and you also eliminate the expense of having to replace them on a regular basis.

With LASIK, you are able to enjoy perfect vision once again, and you can throw out all the expensive, inconvenient, and time-consuming methods of correcting your vision. Now, when you wake up in the morning, you immediately enjoy perfect vision without even having to get out of bed.

How LASIK Compares with Other Methods

January 24th, 2012

With bad eyesight, many different activities become not only inconvenient, but impossible. Many people today are choosing to have LASIK surgery performed so that they can eliminate these issues. But what is wrong with wearing glasses or contact lenses? Surely, these options are less expensive than the pricey surgery, right?

Well, maybe not. If you consider the lifetime value of LASIK at Oakland Eye Clinic, then it becomes clear that it can be a more economical option. Every year, you spend money on new glasses. In addition, if your glasses break, you need to buy a replacement pair. Add to that the cases and other equipment you might need to keep your glasses clean and safe, and suddenly, it starts adding up. The same is true of contact lenses. Every few weeks, you throw out a pair of lenses and put in a new pair. Replacing these lenses also becomes a more significant cost as time goes on. Plus, with contact lenses, you are spending money on solution to keep them clean, and you are also spending money on eye drops to keep them moist throughout the day, in most cases. LASIK surgery in Michigan requires none of these “maintenance” costs after it is completed.

As you can see, it is not nearly as obvious that other options are cheaper than LASIK surgery in Michigan. Instead, if you consider lifetime value, then the surgery might even be a more affordable option for you to take advantage of.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lasik?

December 22nd, 2011

It may be tempting to get laser vision correction. After years of suffering with irritating contact lenses or inconvenient glasses, the idea of being able to see clearly without needing any external help would feel like paradise. But unfortunately, not all of us can have laser vision correction. You need to take a moment to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure.

First, your eyes need to be done developing. While minor changes can happen in eyesight, the major growth period of your life needs to be over. If you are in your early teen years and want laser vision correction, you are likely going to have to wait a few years yet. This is because you do not want to have eye surgery to correct the shape of your eye, only to have your eye change shape again. Next, you need to be in good eye health. If you have severe eye allergies, or you currently are dealing with an eye condition, then you will not be able to have the procedure performed right now.

Please note that these tips are not a replacement for a consultation with an eye doctor. Before you have laser vision correction performed on you, you will need to have a full exam. Once this is done and your doctor can confirm your eye health, then you will be ready to have the procedure done, and you can experience all the great benefits of it.