LASIK: Recovery, Results & Complications

LASIK Surgery in Rochester Hills is helping a growing number of people improve their vision. LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. It’s the most popular vision correction procedure.

One reason for its popularity is that patients are relatively pain-free after the procedure. Also, patients often notice improvements in their eyesight the next day. The procedure involves using a microkeratome. It makes a circle shaped flap in the cornea. Sometimes a laser is used for this purpose.

About LASIK Surgery
The surgeon will position the flap so that it won’t interfere with the procedure. An excimer laser is then used to remove some of the underlying corneal tissue. The laser produces a cool beam of ultraviolet light which methodically removes small tissue parts from the cornea to restructure it.

A properly shaped cornea is better able to focus light into the eye and onto the retina. This makes vision clearer than it was prior to the procedure. The flap is returned to its original position put back in place. It will cover the area where the pieces of corneal tissue were taken out.

LASIK surgery can improve the vision of both farsighted and nearsighted people. Nearsighted people have corneas which are too steep. The purpose of the procedure for these patients is to flatten the cornea. In farsighted people, the goal is to steepen the cornea. LASIK surgery can also correct astigmatism by smoothing an abnormal cornea into its proper shape.

LASIK Surgery Recovery
Patients are advised to get plenty of rest following the procedure. Patients often feel ready to return to work the next day. In some cases, doctors may recommend patients take a few days off from work.

They are also advised to avoid strenuous exercise for about a week. Too much physical activity can interfere with the healing of the eye. Patients should not rub their eyes because this can displace the corneal flap.

LASIK surgery in Michigan can produce fast results. This procedure improves most patient’s vision improves right away, but some find that their vision gradually improves over time.

LASIK surgery can produce different results for different patients. Most patients will eventually have 20/20 or better vision. Some patients may end up with only 20/40 but even that is adequate vision. In some cases, patients may need glasses or contacts after having LASIK surgery.

Complications from LASIK surgery can include night glare. This occurs when a person sees halos or starbursts. This usually happens at night when a person looks at lights.