LASIK – A Lifetime of Savings

If you wear glasses or contacts you may be considering laser eyes surgery in Michigan. However, one of the factors that might keep you from going forward with having the procedure is the cost. In today’s financial climate, many might consider LASIK a luxury that is both unaffordable and unnecessary. However, if you compare LASIK to the repetitive costs of glasses or contacts, you may find the one-time cost of the eye surgery is far less than you realized.

If glasses or contacts aren’t a huge expense for you, then maybe LASIK isn’t the right choice. However, for those patients who buy two boxes of contacts every three months at $45 or more per box, the costs add up. Plus, many contact lens wearers also wear glasses, which mean more costs that deplete the annual budget even further. There are also maintenance costs of wearing contacts to consider, especially if the wearer is prone to eye infections.

LASIK eye surgery can be a costly procedure, but it is important to check with your insurance to see if some or all of the procedure is covered by your vision coverage. You may want to also check with the eye surgeon who is performing the procedure; he or she may offer additional options if your vision coverage isn’t adequate. You may want to consider Care Credit or ask if your eye surgeon offers a payment plan for the expenses associated with the surgery. Keep in mind, there are always options to help you if LASIK is the right option for you.

Consider LASIK an eye care solution as opposed to eye care maintenance. It is a one-time cost that will save hundreds over time. Sit down and write out the costs of your current eye care situation – glasses, contacts, eyewear maintenance – and then consider how much those costs will add up over your lifetime. It may only be a few hundred dollars each year, but how much will you pay over twenty or thirty years? When you think long-term, a LASIK treatment is the only option that makes sense.

Visit to read more about how LASIK is a solution that not only you can afford, but one that you should seriously consider. Besides, isn’t it worth it to see the details in your life without having to stop and put glasses on or contacts in? Spend your time with the ones you love and not with your eye wear.