Is LASIK Eye Surgery For Me?

LASIK eye surgery is a laser assisted surgical procedure that offers patients with a number of vision problems a permanent solution but reshaping the cornea and adjusting the way light enters the eye. The cornea, or lens, is permanently altered to in a way that light is properly focused onto the retina in the rear of the eye. LASIK can per safely performed on most patients and even those who have been dependent on glasses or contacts for a lifetime can find dramatic and permanent life changing results.

LASIK can be a life changing surgery for those with extreme vision problems, but the surgery requires the skilled hand of an experience surgeon. Almost all patients experience improvements and many patients see improvements significant enough to allow them to see 20/20 or better and to permanently eliminate any need for glasses or contacts. While most patients are freed from vision aids, a percentage of patients may continue to need glasses or contacts, but with far weaker prescriptions. However, eye health should still be monitored regularly and LASIK will not treat or prevent conditions of the eye in the future.

Most common side effects are no cause for concern, and include conditions like dry eyes, which can be easily treated with eye drops, but other complications can include glare, halos or double vision. Many side effects occur when a surgeon over corrects or under corrects a patient’s vision.

If you decide that you would like to undergo LASIK eye surgery in Detroit, performed by Dr. Hakimzadeh in Rochester Hills, first you will need to contact her. She is trained and experienced in providing the LASIK procedure. It is better to use glasses rather than contacts for a few weeks before meeting the physician because the shape of the contact can affect cornea.

The LASIK procedure itself usually takes about half an hour. Afterwards, patients are able to be driven home, but should keep the eyes covered for at least the remainder of they day. Depending on when you have your procedure, the bandages are usually removed at the end of the day or the following morning and patients are able to use their eyes, but should continue to refrain from straining the eyes as well as activities that put pressure on they eyes or face. Most patients notice improved vision from the moment the eyes are uncovered, but the eyes often continue to heal for several months following the procedure. After 2-3 months the eyes have usually healed completely, at which point the full extent of the procedures success will be apparent.

Individuals interested in permanently improving their vision can contact Dr. Hakimzadeh for more information or to schedule a consultation to LASIK eye surgery.